Class Information


WHERE: Skyway Church of the West Valley, Goodyear, AZ

14900 W. Van Buren

Room 609




Start Times & Dates

Sunday– 11am  January 10, 2016



 This semester will include the resource book, “A More Excellent Way” by Henry Wright and a 3-ring binder


COST: One person—$30.00

                                                      Couple ——- $45.00 (one book)

If you have the book—$15 per person

                                                                          $25 per couple


Make checks payable to: APEX CS



OR Register & Pay Online Now


















God’s Divine Parameters for Healthy Living

Instructor Gary Pyles


1. Thou shalt remember you are bought with a price. - 1 Cor. 6:20

2. Thou shalt honor thy father and thy mother – so that thy days shall be long on the earth. Ex. 20:12

3. Thou shalt have a merry heart, for it does good like a medicine (cure) - Prov. 17:22

4. Thou shalt not use food as your comforter - John 16:7 John 16:13

5. Thou shalt eat all things in moderation - 1 Cor. 9:25

6. Thou shalt study about healthy lifestyles - 2 Tim. 2:15

7. Thou shalt entertain the presence of God daily - Romans 13:14

8. Thou shalt meditate on God’s Word day and night - Prov. 4:20-22

9. Thou shalt eat foods created by God not man - Psalms 104:14, Gen. 1:29

10. Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, soul and mind - Matt. 22:37-40


* Learn how to break spiritual and mental strongholds which have a direct impact on your body.

* Learn what robs your body of nutrients and how to identify them.

All health related issues are open for discussion. A total interactive class

Cost: $30 includes required book and 3 ring-binder with notes

Sign up on-line at or at the sign-up table

Book Requirement: A More Excellent Way by Henry Wright

Cost including Book & 3-ring binder - $30 (one Person),  $45 (couple – one book)


Instructor: Gary Pyles BRE, MACC- Certified Life Coach, Senior Consultant with Apex CS, Partner with Be In Health® Global


Registration has begun for the Spring 2016 semester.

For More information contact Gary Pyles -

1 Thessalonians 5:23
 Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; and may your whole spiritsoul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.