Why Didn’t it Work?
“I took this product and I have not seen any results, so I guess I’ll put in the cabinet with the other ones I tried.”
Why didn’t it work? That is the question you should ask.
Why continue to take something that is not working? Isn’t that the mark of insanity. Sometimes it is appropriate to stop and analyze what in the world is going on. Why are these products not doing what I thought they should be doing or what someone told me they should do.
It is like going to the auto mechanic and telling him your car sounds like “puta, puta,” or was it “tink, tink,” or was it really a metal “knock, knock” sound. Not only was there a sound but you had a feeling about what the car wasn’t doing. It didn’t sound or feel “normal.” It’s very hard to explain it to the mechanic and he does his best to try and interpret your sounds and hand actions about your car. He really is nice, but getting a little annoyed because he senses you are not communicating with him very well. The mechanic might stop you and say, “Thank you for your explanation, but may I ask a few questions?” As he tries to ask the questions phrased in “layman” terms ,wouldn't it be advantageous if you knew some of the more common mechanical terms. That would create a better experience for both of you.
Well your body is your mode of transportation, i.e. your “car.” Why is it, you would trust a mechanic to fix your car but you will go to the health store and fill your cabinet with any bottle that remotely might have some benefit to you without knowing the real or root cause of some of your health problems? Does your kitchen cabinet look like a small pharmacy? That mechanic has been trained to work on your car, and yes, he might get it wrong the first time but will find the root cause and repair or replace the ailing part. What training or classes have you undertaken to learn how your “car” works. I don’t mean spending ten years studying , but having a general working knowledge to be able to communicate effectively with a healthcare practitioner or health store That would allow you to spend your hard earned dollars on the products or therapies that would reach the root of the problem and solve it once for all, if possible. The TV is a poor source of information concerning drugs, supplements, and healthy food products. These “infomercials” (my term for commercials) are paid for by the manufacture of the their products. I believe their objectivity could be called into question. So where can one go to get relatively unbiased information about health issues? Healthcare professionals ,third party reviews, testimonies from friends or relatives, independent research companies like Consumer Reports (just an example), or how about the public library or build your own. Do your own “due diligence. " If you want to know some of my favorite books I use, just email me. I am happy to share what I know. If you want an 99.9% unbiased review ( no human is 100% unbiased) of your products you take, just email me the product names and I will response with my opinion. I am an educator and researcher so that is my approach I take in my business. It’s free so take advantage of it.