Vitamin C – The Rest of the Story
Metabolite C is more commonly known as vitamin C. Vitamin C, however, is not a vitamin as commonly thought, but due to its interaction in the body is a closer to an enzyme. Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, M.D., Ph.D. won the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1937 for the discovery of vitamin C. Since that time many researchers have studied it and discovered some marvelous effects it has on the human body. It still is to be discovered all the benefits of vitamin C.
Today, medicine only offers a hope against infectious disease by vaccination with little hope of actually curing the disease. Antibiotics are the treatment of choice for non-viral infectious disease and have made good progress, but there is no curative treatment for viral infectious diseases. The only hope is to support the immune system in hopes of the body pulling it together until it can overcome the infection. One or two things happen at this point, either the patient wins or the virus wins. The patient and the doctor are left waiting to see which way it will go. I guess this is what you would call “sweating it out with fingers crossed”. To those who pray, at least there is comfort in knowing that everything will work out for good, you just don’t know sometimes what that “good” is.
There is a cure to viral infectious diseases. Yes, I used a non-politically correct term. Most doctors have the best of intentions, but they must be held accountable for their constant self-imposed blindness to the past and current scientific clinical study’s affirming the efficacy of mega doses of vitamin C. (blame it on the pharmaceuticals)
Fredrick R. Klenner, M.D. published and presented at the 1949 annual American Medical Association that he had successfully cured 60 out of 60 patients with polio with no lingering side effects. Further research has shown that there is no known viral infectious disease that cannot be neutralized by vitamin C; chicken pox, mumps, measles, influenza, viral hepatitis, plus many others. Non-viral infectious diseases have been cured by mega doses of vitamin C.¹ It is very interesting to consider that humans, primates, and guinea pigs are the only creatures on this planet who cannot manufacture their own vitamin C. The animal that according to tradition can eat anything is the goat. The goat creates more vitamin C in its body than any other animal (interesting..). We have the genes to produce vitamin C but they are inactive and the researchers don’t know why.
There are five basic forms of vitamin C, liquid, chewable, tablet, lypo-spheric, and intravenous. Of the five there are only two that raise the serum levels in the body to acceptable levels for treating infectious diseases, they are lypo-spheric and IV. The other forms cannot not produce high enough levels without reaching the bowel tolerance of most people, in other words, diarrhea. There is a great debate about the source of vitamin C, but the ascorbic molecule is a molecule no matter what the source. Due to impurities in the process some residual particles remain and that is a problem if people have an allergic reaction to some sources, like corn. In order for vitamin C to work correctly it needs other plant based components and that is where the argument starts. Manufactures include other bioflavonoids and other elements to “enhance” the bioavailability of their products so you will think their product is better. That may help, but the amount absorbed by the body through the first two methods is around 10-20%. The amount absorbed by lypo-spheric and IV is 98 to 100%. The lypo-spheric is actually a little better in the serum levels and there is no need for a doctor to administer the dose. Key factors in making vitamin C work is frequency of dose, amount of dose, and length of time of doses.
For further reading and scientific references check out the book, “Curing the Incurable” by Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD
¹Curing the Incurable by Thomas E, Levy MD, JD |